• Common Eye Care Myths

    Common Eye Care Myths

    Many people have heard different myths and beliefs about eye care. Perhaps you’ve even spent time searching the internet for more information. The key to understanding eye care is to separate the fact from the fiction. After all, you only get one pair of eyes. So, it makes sense to care for them as best you can. Here are some common myths about eye care. Here, you’ll learn what’s really important to your vision.

    Eye exercises do not improve vision

    While it is true that eye exercises can help you lose eye weight and improve your vision, there is no scientific evidence to back up claims that they can cure myopia. Many eye exercises are based on the Bates Method. There are also self-help programs that claim to reduce refractive errors and presbyopia, but these products haven’t been proven effective by scientists. Some of these products have even been pulled from the market because of their false claims.

    Cataracts cannot be removed with lasers

    Lasers cannot remove cataracts. In some cases, a cataract is too dense to be sliced with laser energy. Another case is a black cataract with a dense posterior plate. The laser is unable to break up these types of cataracts, and the surgeon will be boxed in. Lasers are not a good choice in such cases. Cataracts cannot be removed with lasers.

    Computer vision is a common eye care myth

    Computer vision syndrome is a problem that affects over 50% of the population, including both children and adults. With the advent of new technologies, people are spending more time using digital devices. In fact, 80 percent of Americans use more than two hours per day on a digital device. And 67 percent use two or more devices at the same time. As a result, the risk of eye disease has increased.

    Retinal holes

    Retinal holes are small breaks in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye. If the retina becomes damaged, fluid can seep behind it and can tear it. This tear can eventually cause total blindness. Luckily, many of these tears are treatable. Regular eye exams can help you prevent them. Retinal holes are one of the most common eye problems. Read on to learn more about the signs and symptoms of retinal tears.

    Retinal tears

    Retinal tears occur when the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye becomes damaged. When this happens, it can cause permanent vision loss and a number of other problems. Knowing the risk factors for retinal tears is critical for prevention. If you notice symptoms of retinal tear, seek care immediately. If the tear is large, it can be a sign of retinal detachment. If it continues untreated, it may grow and detach, leaving you with a dark curtain across your vision.

    Computer vision

    While the truth is that long-term staring at a computer screen can ruin the eyes, this is not entirely true. The long-term strain of staring at a computer screen can result in dry-eye, headaches, blurred vision, and other symptoms. However, there are many things you can do to minimize these symptoms. One of these is wearing computer glasses with anti-reflective coatings. In addition, it’s important to keep your prescriptions updated.


    There are many common eye care myths about cataracts, but fortunately, they’re not true! A cataract is not a disease, nor can it be reversed. The cataract develops within the lens of the eye, not on top of it. To improve your vision, your doctor will remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial one. This procedure is relatively simple and requires little recovery time. Despite these myths, it’s best to seek treatment immediately if you notice cloudy vision.

    Cataracts can be removed with lasers

    The process of removing a cataract with a laser is a popular one because it allows surgeons to remove the cataract with greater precision. The laser also allows surgeons to place an artificial lens in the eye more accurately. Cataracts removed with lasers are incredibly safe and quick. You can go about your daily life and not even know you had the procedure. It is the most effective way to remove cataracts without any discomfort.

    Cataracts cannot be removed with a laser

    Lasers can be used to remove a cataract, but not all types of lenses can be treated with the same technology. Many cataracts are dense white or black and cannot be removed with laser energy. In such cases, the surgery will be incomplete. In addition, cataracts with dense posterior plates will likely be more difficult to remove than those without. In addition, cataracts that are opaque may be difficult to remove using a laser because the lens is embedded inside the cornea.

  • Foods That Are Healthy For Your Eyes

    Foods That Are Healthy For Your Eyes

    What is it that we are lacking in our diets? Foods rich in Vitamin E and carotenoids can help improve your eye health. Listed below are foods that contain these two compounds and more. Fish, Almonds, and Blueberries also contain high levels of carotenoids. You can also add them to your smoothies for extra antioxidant benefits. But make sure that you consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables if you want to reap the benefits of these nutrients.

    Vitamin E

    There are many foods that are good for your eyes. These foods contain antioxidants such as vitamin E and lutein. These nutrients may also be found in peas, broccoli, oranges, and papaya. Egg yolks also contain a large amount of vitamin E and lutein. Eating these foods regularly is a great way to support healthy eye cells. If you don’t consume enough lutein and zeaxanthin in your diet, you should look for supplements that contain this vital substance.

    Other sources of Vitamin E include nuts, seeds, and oily fish. You can also find it in vegetable oils like olive oil. These can be used in place of butter. It’s advisable to store these foods away from direct sunlight, however. The other essential vitamin for eye health is vitamin A. They work together to produce optimal optical results. Hence, if you’re looking for a source of Vitamin E, try to eat foods that contain these two essential nutrients.


    Vitamin A and carotenoids found in food have been shown to help protect the eyes from age-related eye ailments. The two types of carotenoids can be found in red, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables, as well as dark leafy greens. These antioxidants help protect the retina, protect against oxidative damage and preserve healthy cells. Age-related degeneration is a leading cause of blindness and has no cure. Eating lots of colorful fruits and vegetables is a simple way to protect your eyes and maintain healthy vision. If you are having vision problems and need an eye exam please visit an eye doctor in Seattle.

    Lutein, zeaxanthin, and lutein can improve eye health. Although they do not reduce the risk of age-related degeneration, they can help protect against free radical damage in the skin and eyes. Eggs are one of the best sources of carotenoids. The yolk contains the highest concentration of carotenoids. Also, red peppers and citrus fruits are rich sources of vitamin C.


    The omega-3 fatty acids in fish have long been known to help protect eye health. Fatty fish such as salmon can help prevent dry eye and macular degeneration, and they can even lower the risk of cataracts. Fish oil is an excellent substitute for fish since it is high in omega-3s and can help vegetarians avoid the saturated fat in fish. Eating fish can also keep the condition of your eyes stable if you are a vegetarian.

    In addition to its omega-3 content, fish is also high in antioxidants. These nutrients can help protect the eyes against damaging oxidants. It’s important to eat a well-balanced diet of dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. Avoid processed foods and refined sugars. Here are seven food items that are good for the eyes throughout the year:


    The health benefits of almonds are numerous and include Vitamin E, which protects eye tissue against free radical damage. Consuming a high-quality vitamin E diet has also been linked to a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. A daily recommended intake of vitamin E is 15 milligrams, and one ounce of almonds provides 11 IU. Other food sources of vitamin E include sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and vegetable oils.

    Pistachios and almonds contain the powerful antioxidant vitamin E. These nutrients are found in broccoli, spinach, and other fruits and vegetables. They can also be found in egg yolks. These foods are packed with healthy fats and help prevent macular degeneration. Also, if you’re looking for ways to increase your intake of antioxidants, consider adding a serving of avocado to your diet every day.

    Citrus fruits

    Vitamin C is an important vitamin for eye health. It helps prevent the deterioration of the macula, the central portion of the retina responsible for visual acuity. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, too, and they regenerate the antioxidants and vitamin E that your eye needs. Eating oranges can help your eyes fight age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. So, eat your fruit!

    You can also eat carrots and oranges regularly to improve your eyesight. Vitamin C has many benefits, including preventing sight-threatening diseases and free radicals. Also, carrots contain lutein, which is an antioxidant. Both carrots and citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C. The antioxidants in citrus fruits keep your immune system strong and help fight off oxidants that can damage your eyesight.


    Eating more eggs every week has many health benefits, including protecting your eyes. Eggs contain antioxidant carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the retina from damaging blue light. These harmful rays can be caused by indoor lighting, sunlight, TVs, and computer screens. According to a recent study, eating at least 12 eggs per week can significantly reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in the U.S., affecting over 10 million people.

    Eggs also contain vitamin A, which helps the eyes adjust to changes in light and dark. This vitamin is found in Eggland’s Best eggs. It is also essential to eat five to nine servings of fruit each day. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is another way to improve your eyesight. Drinking lots of water is also a great idea. While you’re eating eggs, make sure you drink water as well. Drinking water will also keep your eyes from becoming dehydrated and reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.